Wire rod is a high-strength material used to produce applications including wire, nails and electrical cables. It begins as a large piece of steel known as a steel billet. A steel billet can be considered as a large mass of steel in a solid form. Steel is a hard-wearing material that plays an important role in many of the jobs we encounter in our everyday lives, from the buildings we live and work in to the cars we drive.
Steel billets are large pieces of steel which are heated until so hot they are liquid, then they are formed into wire rod. This process is also known as melting. The molten steel is then poured into a mold, forming it into a long, thin rod. Imagine a long tube that is extremely narrow. The liquid steel solidifies as
Wire rod is a լավ նյութ for manufacture and construction applications. One, it is super strong and will last for decades, this is why builders prefer it. It is sturdy enough to bear heavy weights and cruel conditions easily, that makes it perfect for construction works. Also, since wire rod can bend a bit, it
Գոյություն ունեն բազմաթիվ պատճառները to utilize wire rod in construction and industry. It is mean and (in this case) mean what it says: first of all, tough and able to bear loads and withstand bad weather, and do what a land rover can do. Construction professionals need reliable materials to ensure their structures are reliable. Another property of wire rod is its flexibility which allows to incorporate it in different designs
At RARLON, we realize that the best բաղադրիչներ are necessary to manufacture high quality, strong and reliable products. This is exactly why a high-tech wire rod is selected for production of many of our